Sunday, 3 July 2016

Gibbs Hill Lighthouse | Spectacular Views & A Little History

Come up and check out the view!

South Facing View from Gibbs Hill Lighthouse

I've been in Bermuda going on 2 years now, and  have never visited the Gibbs Hill Lighthouse.  It took a visit from my mother, and another from a friend to get me out, and up the 8 flights of stairs - no elevator, to experience the historical landmark and tourist attraction.
The Gibbs Hill Lighthouse is one of two lighthouses on the islands of Bermuda.  It's one of the first lighthouses in the world to be made of cast-iron, constructed in 1844 by the Royal Engineers.  

The lighthouse is perched atop Gibbs Hill - that's where it gets it name, just off South Shore Road on the Western half of islands.  It's a short 10 minute walk up a relative incline and its easily accessible by the bus service on the island.  Of course, you can hire a taxi or tour bus, but I consider the walk up part of the discovery experiencing the site.
At 117ft, it is not extremely tall for a lighthouse, however the hill that it stands on is one of the highest on the island, rising above sea level 245ft. 
The light's focal plane on Gibbs Hill Lighthouse is some 354 feet above sea level and can be seen by airplanes from over 100 miles away, and by ships 40 miles out.

 North facing view from the lighthouse
I'm so happy that I finally made it all the way up, straight to the top.  This is actually the very first and only lighthouse that I've ever been to, in and up!  It was such an amazing view, especially the second time around when the sun shone its rays to kingdom come from the heavens.   
Yup, I made it up to the lighthouse twice in the space of 2 weeks after not once in 2 years!
The first time around the weather was not exactly the best.  The view was still undisputed, even with the overcast skies, and did I mention ridiculous winds!  I was holding on to my phone for dear life to take these pictures, I dared not take a panorama or selfie as I couldn't risk the decrease in grip and control as extension of my arm increased.

I do rather prefer the sunny day pictures.  The clear blue skies reflected in the waters, and the brilliant white roofs illuminated by the sun are just so damn perfect!  I saw all the way west end of the island to Dockyard and as far East as Hamilton on the clear day.

If you're all adventured-out where you're from, and seen all there is to see, then hop across to another town or city!  Check out their lighthouse, it might surprise you with more than just views, these places tend to hold secret histories.

Have you ever been to the lighthouse where you live? 

~ Josie Jo ~